Drip drip drip

Caught on the Barbed Wire of Sensation

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Picking Your Nose While Driving . . .

That's right, I saw you. I didn't want to see you, but I did, so now I have to sound off about this.

Here's a tip. If you're going to pick your nose and eat it while people may be watching, please have the courtesy not to display the fact that you obviously relish your little bout with rhinotillexomania (hey, there's a word for you- look it up and learn about yourself). I had an upset stomach this morning when I stopped at the intersection when I casually looked over at you in the car next to me and watched in paralyzed horror as you smiled after you popped a big messy one in your mouth. That almost sent me over the edge.

I know of the so-called health benefits touted by geeky, disgusting doctors about the supposed immune-boosting benefits of eating your mucus. Despite these claims, I still don't think it's necessary to snarf on your snot in public. Go ahead, pick till your heart's content, put it in a jar or hanky, even, for later enjoyment in the privacy of your home or some other place where innocent bystanders don't have to be subjected to your depravity. But please, please, please don't let me see a green goblin lurking at the corner of your mouth. Ever again.

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