Drip drip drip

Caught on the Barbed Wire of Sensation

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

One brain, two brain, three brain, four.

So, I'm not in an uplifted mood today. More like a Debbie Downer day. I hope that if anyone is looking for a little dose of negativity to temper their unwarranted happiness, that they will visit my obscure blog. Obscure almost makes it sound cool. Like something rare that someone is looking for . . . but no one is looking for my little inane ramblings. I know that.

So here's the reality: we are not as smart as we think we are. Most of us. Really. I mean, there are some really gifted people out there (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE . . . though why you would be reading this puzzles me), but so many of us can be described by the very loathsome word "average". I'm average. There, I said it. Average person. Average intelligence (sometimes). There are a lot of us folk out there, but despite that, I feel like I keep getting surrounded by the "above average" folks. They kind of make you want to kick trash cans or take a bong rip. So what? You've got more dendrites in your brain? That's what I feel like saying. Like everything, so much of intelligence is luck. And so much of "intelligence" also counts for nothing. You can be smart, but your life can still be a wreck, and well, would you call that smart? You see where I'm going with this? It's fucking tricky.

Now, I know what you balanced, spiritually and emotionally evolved world view people are thinking: what's intelligence? That's actually a good question. I don't know. And I certainly don't think it's an ability to perform well on standardized tests, though, all things being fair, really, really bright people usually don't have a problem with those tests. Unfortunately for me, law schools know this (though the jury's still out on whether or not these bright people will also be good attorneys).

I just want a way out of the paradigm sometimes- the "what is valuable and what is not valuable" paradigm, and the "what is talent/intelligence and what is not" paradigm. To hell with it all! That paradigm has taken up root in my brain, and I'd like to extricate it. I imagine a surgical procedure, and a neurosurgeon delicately pulling something dark and slimey out of my brain tissue . . . and then poof! It would be gone. I would awake from surgery, bald and full of bliss . . .

But for now I'm here. And there's work to be done.

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