Drip drip drip

Caught on the Barbed Wire of Sensation

Friday, August 11, 2006

The Dark Friend

My dark friend and I have become fast friends once again. You know, we were on and off for a while, seeing each other sporadically, but now it's hot and heavy . . . err, actually, it's over ice, three shots that is, topped off with more ice.

Me everyday at the local coffee hole: "Hi. Three shots of espresso over lots of ice topped off with more ice. I like it ICY! Please."

In short, I like the dark friend cold. I like the dark friend fresh. I really like the dark friend to be organic, too. But mostly, I like three shots of the dark friend each and every day.

I started drinking coffee at the tender age of 15 when I discovered two of my true passions in life: coffee and books. At age sixteen I discovered what at the time seemed like a normal occurence in the coffee world: the most divinely perfect iced mocha in creation. I went to high school in a one-horse town with a hippy deli/coffee shop walking distance from campus. The husband-wife team who owned and ran the establishment put a lot of love into all of the things they made, most notably, the coffee drinks. Little did I know that such a perfect iced mocha was a rarity to be deeply appreciated and cherished. In my innocence I assumed that divine iced mochas were readily available, especially beyond the podunk reaches of my hometown. I have since confirmed, over and over again, that I was mistaken. Even in the most worldly of locations I have failed to find an iced mocha that has matched the perfection of those early days. The deli/coffee shop responsible for such a magical creation has long since closed upon the divorce of the couple . . . sometimes, I feel like tracking them down for an interview to see if one of them would be willing to impart the secrets of that perfect balance of espresso, chocolate, milk and ice that was strong but not too strong, sweet but not too sweet, rich but not too rich . . . each and every time.

You see, it is that iced mocha that truly sparked my life-long love affair with the dark friend. Of course now, with the perfect mocha remaining ever elusive and high in calories and sugar, I opt for three swift, unadulterated shots. Mmmm . . . . dark friend? Will you be mine forever?

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